Category: Politics

Trenchant Thoughts #3

Apparently now if you say “All lives matter”, then you are a racist. Huh? Identity politics is so insidiously wrong. Treating people as groups is hopelessly hateful. No group of people are homogenous. The better way is to treat everyone as an individual, as a minority of one. Everyone — everyone — is different. Pursuant…

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Things that are not Racist

The following ten things are not racist: Thinking that we should judge people not by the color of their skin but rather by the content of their character Thinking that the government ought to treat everyone equally, regardless of race Believing that there are differences between the many human races Pointing out those differences Thinking…

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Thoughts on Trump

Here are some of the thoughts that I have about Donald Trump. The man is clearly a text-book narcissist. Everything is about him, and nothing that isn’t about him appears to be of much interest to him. He clearly has no self-control. His twitter feed is a testimony to his utter inability to hold his…

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RIP, Alfie Evans

Alfie Evans has died. We’ll never know if Alfie would have lived longer than he did, because murderous, tyrannical, evil people stopped Alfie from having any chance at life. The British government not only refused treatment to Alfie, they refused to let him eat or drink.  Not only did they starve and dehydrate him, they…

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Guns and Tyranny

I had a big kerfuffle on my facebook page this week.  I posted a peripheral comment about the student walkouts, and it devolved into a pretty typical gun debate.  There were reasonable comments and discussion — I enjoy a lively debate —  and of course a couple of the typical kooky/outlandish ones as well. A…

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Money and Politics

In the wake of the horribleness that was the Parkland shooting, there has been much discussion about how much money specific Congress members receive from the NRA. The idea is that these people receive so much money from the NRA that they are beholden to the organization and will do their bidding. This is completely…

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Immigration is in the news and I thought I’d comment on it. First, I’m in favor of allowing anyone who wants to come here to work to do so.  If you want to come here and work, produce value, pay taxes, and help cover my Social Security, I’m all for it. I don’t completely understand…

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