
Immigration is in the news and I thought I’d comment on it.

First, I’m in favor of allowing anyone who wants to come here to work to do so.  If you want to come here and work, produce value, pay taxes, and help cover my Social Security, I’m all for it.

I don’t completely understand why anyone would oppose this.  More working people mean more salaries in circulation, more productivity, more taxes, more of everything that is good.  Employment is not a zero sum game — immigrants don’t “take jobs from Americans”.  They help create new jobs by producing more than they consume.

Second, everyone is bent out of shape about Trump rescinding Obama’s DACA decree (and it was a tyrannical decree, not a legally passed law or anything remotely like that).  I’m no Trump fan — the man is a buffoon — but he did the right thing here.  He overthrew his predecessor’s illegal Executive Order and told Congress — the group responsible for passing immigration laws — to get to work and pass a law to help those that were illegally “covered” by DACA.

So if you are upset about it, don’t get mad at Trump — he’s following the law and the Constitution.  Instead, write your representatives in Congress and tell them to do what you want them to do.

Third — if you are mad at immigrants who come here to work hard, ask yourself why.  You probably, if you are honest with yourself, don’t have a good reason other than petty jealousy.

And finally, while I’m happy to have people come here to work, I think anyone who comes here to get on the government dole, to commit crimes, to join a gang, or to otherwise undermine society should feel the full force of the law and be either imprisoned or deported.

Immigration seems like a no-brainer issue to me.