Guns and Tyranny

I had a big kerfuffle on my facebook page this week.  I posted a peripheral comment about the student walkouts, and it devolved into a pretty typical gun debate.  There were reasonable comments and discussion — I enjoy a lively debate —  and of course a couple of the typical kooky/outlandish ones as well.

A lot of times I don’t get involved but this time I did. In doing so, I mentioned that one of the main reasons that the Second Amendment exists is to prevent the rise of a tyranny here in the US.  This was dismissed with not a small amount of derision as something that would never happen, so there is no need to defend against it.  (Never mind that a different subthread had the dismisser arguing that Donald Trump was behaving in a tyrannical fashion…..)

And this kind of irritated me.  And then it it hit me.  He’s right — it is basically impossible for tyranny to occur here in the US, precisely because the Second Amendment exists.  People find the notion of our government becoming a true tyranny laughable precisely because the Second Amendment guarantees the ability of the people to rebel against such a turn of events.

The fact that the notion of a tyranny arising here in the US is found to be a joke by those (typically) on the Left is because the right of the people to bear arms has made it a joke.  Take it away, like they did during the 20th Century in Germany and Russia and China, and you have key ingredient in the recipe for tyranny.  It can be a slow burn in that direction — witness the deterioration of free speech in Canada — but it can head in that direction only with an unarmed populace.

An armed populace makes tyranny laughable.