RIP, Alfie Evans

Alfie Evans has died.

We’ll never know if Alfie would have lived longer than he did, because murderous, tyrannical, evil people stopped Alfie from having any chance at life.

The British government not only refused treatment to Alfie, they refused to let him eat or drink.  Not only did they starve and dehydrate him, they didn’t even let him go home to die in peace with his parents.  Not only did they refuse to allow him to be with his parents, they didn’t let the citizen of another country leave Great Britain to go to his home country.  (The Pope, God bless him, convinced Italy to grant Alfie citizenship, and the Italians, God bless them, had an airplane on standby ready to take Alfie to Italy where he could receive proper care.)

I am left almost without words by this.  But I will press through and say this:  The British government did a savage, brutal, murderous, heinous, terrible, repulsive, evil — EVIL — thing.

I hurt for Alfie’s parents.  Why they would remain in Great Britain is beyond my understanding.

Rest in Peace, Alfie.