Trenchant Thoughts #1

  • It is really hard for me to get worked up about a government shutdown. Frankly, I don’t much care. As far as I’m concerned, the less the Federal government does, the better, and they do very little when they are shut down. Big win, I say.
  • But I will say this: Someone in government leadership is going to come out looking really bad.
  • I’ve written about immigration here. So when it comes to the wall, my view is this: If a wall is what is necessary to uphold the law, then I’m for the wall. I’d be happy to find another way to enforce the law, and I’d be happy for the law to change, but until the law changes, the wall seems to be the way to go.
  • I am a big fan of the Coke FreeStyle machine. I love Ginger-Lime Diet Coke. I seek out these machines, and I know that Wendy’s will always have one. Why not McDonald’s or Burger King? It’s a huge difference maker for me, and as a result, I’m eating at Wendy’s more than the other two, something I didn’t used to do.
  • I love bookstores. I’d hate to see Barnes & Noble go out of business. However, I must confess I buy most of my books from Amazon so I guess I’m not doing my part. I did, however, buy a bunch of Christmas presents at B&N this year.
  • Not gonna be watching this.