Category: General

More Country Music

I’ve mentioned previously that I now listen almost exclusively to Country Music.  (My favorite artist by far is Brad Paisley.…)  And in listening, I’ve found that that there are some common themes and things that the singers like quite a bit: Drinking beer on the weekend Trucks Girls who: Wear baseball caps backwards Wear cut-off…

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Our Vice-President, Mike Pence, has some strict rules that he follows to “build a fence around his marriage”.  For this, he is mocked by some. And yet we are amazed by the Harvey Weinsteins of the world. C. S. Lewis famously said “We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.” …

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Coaching in the NFL

Coaching in the NFL has to be a hard job, but in general, it is marked by a tendency not to take chances and always play it safe. If I were a coach in the NFL, here are some rules I would follow: I would never take a knee and pass up a chance to…

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Country Music

I’ve recently started listening to country music.  I’m really enjoying it.  Here are some thoughts on this unexpected turn of events: It’s all still new to me, so I don’t know the artists or the music at all.  Every song is a discovery.  A few I know, but most I don’t.  I hope that pleasure…

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Free Speech

Today in Germany it is, I believe, illegal to be a Nazi, to display Nazi flags, and to trade in Nazi memorabilia.  I can kind of understand that — they’d naturally be sensitive to that kind of thing — but I don’t condone such a limitation on free speech. Here in America we have Nazis.…

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I really want to write more.  I want to write things that tons of people read.  I want to write things that people post on Facebook and encourage their friends to read.  A lot of people want to do that, and a lot of them write, but don’t get read a lot.  I wonder if…

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